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Društvena odgovornost

Naša sirovina dolazi sa Zemlje.
Protect our planet˙s future

Stoga je sasvim prirodno da poduzimamo mjere kako bismo osigurali stabilnost planeta. Mi u Fedora Phyto-u želimo da zdrava politika zaštite okoliša bude globalna, i želimo da bude konkretna na svim razinama lanaca vrijednosti.
Kako bi se to postiglo, i sami se trudimo planirati naša buduća poboljšanja kako u upravljanju energijom tako i u optimizaciji utjecaja naših objekata sve do krajnjeg potrošača: optimizacija puta za prikupljanje, Smanjenje emisije CO2, učinkovitost vode, gospodarenje otpadom, recikliranje itd.
Ujedinjeni ovom željom mi u Fedora Phyto-u sudjelujemo u očuvanju budućnosti našeg planeta.
Protect our planet˙s future.

Our raw material comes from the Earth.
Protect our planet’s future

Therefore, it is only natural that we take measures to ensure the stability of the planet. We at Fedora Phyto want a healthy environmental protection policy to be global, and we want it to be concrete at all levels of value chains.
In order to achieve this, we ourselves try to plan our future improvements both in energy management and in optimizing the impact of our facilities up to the final consumer: optimization of the collection route, reduction of CO2 emissions, water efficiency, waste management, recycling, etc.
United by this desire, we at Fedora Phyto participate in preserving the future of our planet.
Protect our planet˙s future.

Fedora Phyto linija je rođena iz sinergije između znanosti i prirode. Linija je rezultat istraživanja koje proizlazi iz najkritičnije faze: odabira prirodnih i certificiranih kvalitetnih sastojaka. Prolazi kroz rigorozan proces formulacije i kroz standardne proizvodne metode najviše kvalitete.
Prije nego što dođe na tržište, prolazi moderna i temeljita ispitivanja.

Odlukom uporabe funkcionalnih sastojaka visoke učinkovitosti temeljene na vrhunskim tehnologijama, Fedora Phyto podržava svoje kupce širom svijeta u želji da postane sinonim za poboljšanje, prirodu i brigu o dobrobiti ljudi i okoliša.

The Fedora Phyto line was born from the synergy between science and nature. The line is the result of research that results from the most critical phase: the selection of natural and certified quality ingredients. It goes through a rigorous formulation process and through standard production methods of the highest quality.
Before it comes to the market, it goes through modern and thorough tests.

By deciding to use functional ingredients of high efficiency based on cutting-edge technologies, Fedora Phyto supports its customers around the world in its desire to become synonymous with improvement, nature and care for the well-being of people and the environment.

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