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Inovacija je jedan od stupova

Fedora Phyto linija proizvoda dodataka prehrani rođena je iz sinergije između znanosti i prirode. Linija je rezultat istraživanja koje proizlazi iz najkritičnije faze: pomnog odabira prirodnih i certificiranih kvalitetnih sastojaka koji prolaze kroz rigorozan proces formulacije i standardne proizvodne metode najviše kvalitete.
Prije nego što dođu na tržište, prolaze  moderna i temeljita ispitivanja od strane naših partnera.

Odlukom uporabe funkcionalnih sastojaka visoke učinkovitosti koje su temeljene na vrhunskim tehnologijama, Fedora Phyto podržava svoje kupce širom svijeta u želji da postane sinonim  za poboljšanje, prirodu i brigu o dobrobiti ljudi i okoliša.

Obilježje Fedora Phyto korporativne strategije poduzeća su inovacije kao jedan od stupova korporativnog djelovanja realiziranog korištenjem  suradnje s proizvođačem: Farmalabor Ltd.EU., čija je tvrtka opremljena internim laboratorijima analitičke kemije, mikrobiologije i farmaceutske tehnologije, koji jamče potpunu usklađenost s međunarodnim standardima kvalitete i sigurnosti.
Tvrtka je ovlaštena od strane AIFA-e (Talijanska agencija za lijekove) za uvoz, distribuciju, prepakiranje, kontrolu kvalitete i puštanje u promet serija aktivnih farmaceutskih sastojaka, u skladu s ministarskom uredbom 219. Farmalabor je tvrtka ovlaštena od strane AIFA-e za prodaju najvećeg broja aktivnih farmaceutskih sastojaka (API). Laboratorij „Kontrola kvalitete“ radi u skladu sa standardima ISO i smjernicama GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), certifikacijom koja na nacionalnoj i europskoj razini jamči primjenu „dobrih proizvodnih standarda“, osiguravajući najvišu kvalitetu u faze nabave, distribucije, preoznačavanja, kontrole i puštanja u promet svih šarži sirovina. Odjel “Osiguranje kvalitete” djeluje samostalno kako bi osigurao usklađenost sa zahtjevima GMP, ISO 9001 i ISO 14001 u svim područjima tvrtke (proizvodnja, nabava, kontrola kvalitete, gotovi proizvodi, prodaja i postprodajne usluge).  

Fedora Phyto surađuje s znanstveno-istraživačkom zajednicom.

Fedora Phyto je odabrala visoko tehnološki obrađene proizvode tvrtke Indena Italija. Sa osobnim odobrenjem autora koristi diplomske radove, disertacije, stručne radove (prije ili nakon objavljivanja), knjige i druge vrste građe farmaceutsko-biokemijskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Osijeku i svijeta za izradu ili nadopunu informativnih tekstova vezanih uz sadržaj.

ESCOP-Monographs-European Scientific Cooperative On Phytotherapy.
(Nanotehnološki nosači biljnih tvari i pripravaka, Škrbina Ana (2016) Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet.)
(Kopriva u suvremenoj fitofarmaciji, Barilar Josip (2018) Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet).
(Morfologija, upotreba i ljekovita svojstva Urtica dioica L., Stjepan Sliepčević(2020) Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u osijeku, Fakultet agrobiotehničkih znanosti Osijek).
European Medicine Agency-Science Medicine Health

Innovation is one of the
pillars of corporate

The Fedora Phyto product line of food supplements was born from the synergy between science and nature. The line is the result of research that results from the most critical phase: careful selection of natural and certified quality ingredients that go through a rigorous formulation process and standard production methods of the highest quality.
Before they come to the market, they ugo through modern and thorough tests by our partners.

By deciding to use functional ingredients of high efficiency based on cutting-edge technologies, Fedora Phyto supports its customers worldwide in its desire to become the synonymous for improvement, nature and care for the well-being of people and the environment.

A feature of Fedora Phyto’s corporate strategy is innovation as one of the pillars of corporate action.
By deciding to use functional ingredients based on top technologies, Fedora Phyto supports your customers around the world.
In cooperation with the manufacturer: Farmalabor Ltd.EU., whose company is equipped with internal laboratories for analytical chemistry, microbiology and pharmaceutical technologies, which guarantee full compliance with international quality and safety standards. The company is authorized by AIFA (Italian Medicines Agency) for the import, distribution, repackaging, quality control and marketing of batches of active pharmaceutical ingredients, in accordance with ministerial decree 219. Farmalabor is a company authorized by AIFA to sell the largest number of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). The “Quality Control” laboratory works in accordance with ISO standards and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) guidelines, a certification that guarantees the application of “good manufacturing standards” at the national and European level, ensuring the highest quality in the phase of procurement, distribution, relabeling, control and release of all batches of raw materials. The “Quality Assurance” department operates independently to ensure compliance with GMP, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 requirements in all areas (production, procurement, quality control, finished company products, sales and after-sale services). /certificates.html
Fedora Phyto cooperates with the scientific research community.

Fedora Phyto has chosen highly technologically processed products from the company Indena. With the permission of the author, it uses diploma theses, dissertations, professional papers (before or after publication), books and other types of materials of the Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry in Zagreb to create or supplement informative texts related to the content.

(Nanotechnological carriers of herbal substances and preparations, Škrbina Ana (2016) University of Zagreb, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry.)

Većina biološki aktivnih biljnih tvari (flavonoidi, tanini, terpenoidi) su topljivi u vodi, međutim zbog slabe topljivosti u lipidima, koja uvjetuje ograničen prolazak kroz lipofilne biološke membrane, ili zbog velike molekulske veličine koja sprječava ulazak u stanicu pasivnom difuzijom, vrlo se loše apsorbiraju.
Fitosom je lipokompatibilni kompleks koji inkorporira standardizirani biljni ekstrakt ili vodotopljivu biljnu tvar, u svrhu poboljšanja apsorpcije i biodostupnosti. Fitosomi su patentirana tehnologija vodećeg proizvođača lijekova i farmaceutika.
Za razliku od liposoma, u kojima ne nastaje kemijska veza između djelatne tvari i fosfatidilikolinskih molekula nosača, fitosomski proces uključuje nastajanje kemisjkih veza između fosfatidilkolina i djelatne tvari te nastajanje molekularnog kompleksa u odnosu 1:1 odnosno 2:1 ovisno o kompleksiranoj tvari. Fosfolipidi izgrađuju biološke membrane svih živih bića, a u ljudi vrše i ulogu pomaganja probave i prenošenja hidrofilnih i lipofilnih nutrijenata. Dobro se otapaju u vodenom kao i u
lipidnom okruženju i dobro se oralno apsorbiraju. Poboljšavaju biodostupnost konvencionalnih biljnih ekstrakata omogućujući im prolaženje kroz lipidne membrane i ulazak u krvotok.

3 Major difference between liposome and phytosome ® (Reproduced with... | Download Scientific Diagram
Slika 2. Razlika u građi liposoma i fitosoma (Saraf, 2010; Nanotehnološki nosači biljnih tvari i pripravaka, Škrbina Ana (2016) Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Farmaceutsko-biokemijski fakultet.)

Most biologically active plant substances (flavonoids, tannins, terpenoids) are soluble in water, however, due to poor solubility in lipids, which causes limited passage through lipophilic ones biological membrane, or due to the large molecular size that prevents entry into the cell by passive diffusion, they are very poorly absorbed.
Phytosome is a lipocompatible complex that incorporates a standardized plant extract or a water-soluble plant substance, in order to improve absorption and bioavailability. The phytosomes are patented technology of the leading manufacturer of drugs and pharmaceuticals. Unlike liposomes, in which no chemical bond is formed between the active substance and phosphatidylcholine carrier molecules, the phytosome process involves the formation of chemical bonds between phosphatidylcholine and the active substance and the formation of a molecular complex in a ratio of 1:1 or 2:1 depending on the complexed substance.
Phospholipids build the biological membranes of all living things, and in humans they also play a supporting role digestion and transfer of hydrophilic and lipophilic nutrients. They dissolve well in water as well as in lipid environment and are well absorbed orally. They improve bioavailability of conventional plant extracts allowing them to pass through lipid membranes and entering the bloodstream.

3 Major difference between liposome and phytosome ® (Reproduced with... | Download Scientific Diagram
Image 2. Difference in the structure of liposomes and phytosomes (Saraf, 2010; Nanotechnological carriers of herbal substances and preparations, Škrbina Ana (2016) University of Zagreb, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry)

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